How to pay?

You can pay by credit card or cash. Payment is made before the operation.


Which is the best and safest method?

All methods are equal in terms of the result 6 months after the operation! The most serious complications can occur with the Lasik method. Surface ablations (PRK, Lasek, EPI-Lasik) have minimal risk during surgery.


When can I start exercising after the operation?

Practically as soon as the eyes allow it, usually after removing the contact lenses. Avoid rubbing your eyes and contact with the cornea.


Is it possible to work with astigmatism and plus dioptre power?

Yes, of course, the new laser is approved for astigmatism up to +/-6 diopters and hyperopia (farsightedness) up to +6 diopters. It achieves better results than the older generation lasers thanks to its ability to individually correct the Kappa angle, which is important in hyperopic people.


Will it hurt?

The surgery does not hurt, your eyes are desensitised with drops. Postoperative pain is individual, it depends on the method of surgery. The important thing is that with our new laser, the surface of the eye is treated more gently after surgery and therefore the recovery is faster and less uncomfortable than with PRK or Lasek.


What happens if I move my eye?

The position of the eye is monitored by a special Eye tracking system several 100 times per second throughout the surgery and therefore the laser intervention takes place at the right point during eye movement. In case of large movements, the laser stops automatically and resumes after returning the eye to the correct position.


After how many days can I start working normally?

Immediate recovery takes about 5 days. The settlement of the final visual acuity normally takes place over several weeks to months, depending on the amount of dioptre corrected.


Will both eyes be operated on at the same time? How long does the operation take?

By default, both eyes are operated at the same time. However, it is much healthier to wait 1 day between the two eyes. On average, myopic eye (-4D) surgery takes about 10 seconds.


How long do you wait for the surgery?

There is almost no waiting time, we operate every week; there is a time limit when contact lenses need to be cut, ideally at least 2 weeks before surgery. The initial examination and surgery can be done in one day.


What are the risks and complications?

Like any medical performance, an operation using the excimer laser is associated with a certain risk and possible complications: dry eye sensation, inflammation in the postoperative period, fluctuation in visual acuity in the postoperative period, decreased visual acuity at night, reappearance of refractive error after some time, and so on. As a general rule, the better the laser system and the more experienced the surgeon, the lower the risk of complications.


What is a femtosecond laser?

The femtosecond laser is a high-frequency laser that produces ultra-short pulses of invisible light. They last an incredible seconds and the FEMTO LDV Crystal line places up to 5 million of these pulses in the cornea in one second. This gently separates the surface layer of the cornea and thus enables safe and accurate correction of refractive errors directly on the cornea.


What is the excimer laser?

The excimer laser produces a high-energy beam that vaporises microscopic amounts of corneal tissue in a precisely calculated location and thus changes the curvature of the cornea. This is reflected by a change in the refractive power of the eye. The excimer laser Allegretto Wavelight Eye-Q blue line 400Hz from the German manufacturer Wavelight AG is currently the best-selling excimer laser and is FDA-certified for all refractive errors. A diopter correction takes about 2 seconds, it is equipped with an Eye Tracking system that monitors the position of the eye at all times so that each laser beam hits exactly where it is calculated in the computer.


Will my eyes look different after the surgery?

There will be no visible trace of the surgery on your cornea. Even an ophthalmologist who is not aware of the surgery can miss microscopic marks.

Will I feel any pain?

No, you will not. You will receive anaesthetic drops to numb your eye before the surgery, those who are very scared can take medication to relax. During the operation, you may perceive a slight pressure and touch of the surgeon’s hands around the eye. A few hours after the operation, there will be a temporary feeling of dust in the eyes and slight tearing. During this time, you should rest or sleep peacefully because closed eyes promote comfort and accelerate healing.

When will I have sharp vision?

Vision stabilisation takes place within hours after surgery. Initially your vision may be a little blurry, but your vision will adjust very quickly.

Is there any pain with the Relex Smile method?

No, it is not. The Relex Smile method is characterised by a painless course with no postoperative pain. Before the operation, your eyes are numbed with anaesthetic drops and you will not feel anything.

When can I return to work after the surgery?

After having Relex Smile surgery, you can go to work the day after the surgery.

Can the operated refractive error come back?

Relex Smile is by far the most perfect method of removing refractive errors, so it is very unlikely that myopia or astigmatism will come back and certainly not fully.